Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday is almost gone..................

I have been busy but I don't know with what. The coffee pot exploded earlier and that was a crisis. Has that ever happened at your house? WHAT A MESS !
My page on MySpace still has some bugs but I am so excited to get it this far along.
AOL was so slow today-it seems to be better now.

Catching up on the News for today: PhotobucketClinton 'Misspoke' on Sniper Fire Story - AOL News
Does anyone really believe either one of those Clintons ?Photobucket
Photobucket This would be a good time to bring back the POWER OF PUSSY: BILL & HILLARY excerpt
The Office Romance Works Weekly Agenda I hope Mama Patsy does not get caught up in one of these at her new job. They NEVER work out as she well knows........................

MUST-HAVE JEANS FOR SPRING - stylelist Mama Patsy is still working on her weight so I know she will want to check out these jeans. She's still a farm girl at heart.

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